This is not a comprehensive business directory.
These are local businesses and service providers that we have used and know.
Feel free to send us recommendations!

Our Favorite Businesses will be featured here. Stay Tuned!

JoJo Restaurant & Bar

Cozy, elegant venue that offers great food along with live jazz, blues, funk, soul, & R&B every night.

1518 U St. NW, Washington, DC 20009
P: (202) 319-9350

Chef/Owner: Ben Kibour

"The food is amazing, the ambiance is mesmerizing, and the music is second to none!" 

Rasika | Penn Quarter

Sophisticated restaurant & lounge serving modern Indian food.

633 D St. NW, Washington, DC 20004
P: (202) 637-1222

Executive Chef: Vikram Sunderam

"This place offers a unique twist on traditional indian cuisine that is sure to satisfy your palate." 

Urban Butcher

A butcher shop & curing cellar nestled into a unique, chic space.

8226 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910
P: (301) 585-5800

Chef: Chris Melton

"Quite simply the best steak I've ever had." 

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